Our members are involved with diverse projects across the realms of education, professionalization, advocacy, paramedic well-being and scholarly activity, in addition to their contributions via publications and presentations. 

Our contributions include expert technical input, peer-review, editorial support, grant application, project management and organizational support. Here you will find a list of projects, grants and initiatives in which McNally Project members have been involved. You will also find details of awards that McNally Project members have been awarded. McNally Project members are highlighted in bold.

Ongoing collaborations/memberships

McNally Project members Dr. Judah Goldstein and Jen Greene are members of the EMS PEP Senior Editorial Team. Dr. Alan Batt is a Senior Appraiser for the EMS-PEP Project. In addition, McNally Project members Angeline Abela, Dr. Ian Drennan, Jason Buick, Cheryl Cameron, Zach Cantor, Brent McLeod, Gurkan Ozel, Jacob Hutton, Chris Smith, Jennie Helmer, Julie Sinclair, and Chelsea Lanos are expert appraisers. Jason Buick, Jennie Helmer, Dr. Ian Blanchard, Jennifer Greene, Jacob Hutton and Dr. Alan Batt also serve on the EMS PEP Advisory Board.

McNally Project members Cheryl Cameron, Tyne Lunn, Chelsea Lanos, and Jennie Helmer work with Canadian Virtual Hospice on their mygrieftoolbox.ca and mesoutilsdeuil.ca/.

McNally Project members Dr. Ian Drennan and Jason Buick work with ILCOR on evidence appraisal for CPR guidelines (evaluate PICO questions, perform systematic reviews, grade the evidence and make guideline recommendations etc.)

Paramedics and Palliative Care: Bringing Vital Services to Canadians (Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement and Canadian Partnership Against Cancer) National Spread Collaborative – McNally Project member Cheryl Cameron is a faculty member.

McNally Project members Dr. Walter Tavares, Dr. Ron Bowles, and Dr. Alan Batt serve on the Board of the Canadian Paramedicine Education Chapter, a chapter within the Paramedic Association of Canada.

Canadian Paramedicine – McNally Project members Dr. Judah Goldstein and Dr. Walter Tavares are members of the Editorial Board. and Dr. Alan Batt was a member of the Editorial Board from 2014 to 2020.

International Paramedic Practice – McNally Project member Dr. Alan Batt was a member of the Editorial Board from 2018-2022.

International Journal of Paramedicine – McNally Project members Dr. Ian Drennan, Dr. Ian Blanchard, Dr. Becky Donelon, Dr. Luc de Montigny, Sean Teed, and Dr. Judah Goldstein are involved in this newly formed journal by NEMSMA.

Irish Journal of Paramedicine – McNally Project member Dr. Alan Batt was Editor-in-Chief from 2015 to 2022.

Paramedicine – McNally Project members Dr. Walter Tavares and Dr. Alan Batt are Deputy Editors, while Dr. Madison Brydges, Cheryl Cameron, Dr. Elizabeth Donnelly, Dr. Ian Drennan, Dr. Justin Mausz, and Dr. Graham Munro are Associate Editors.

Ontario Community Paramedicine Secretariat – McNally Project member Dr. Matthew Leyenaar is a former Director of the Secretariat, while members Dr. Walter Tavares, Dr. Gina Agarwal, Rick Ferron, Dr. Alan Batt, Brent McLeod, and Joe Pedulla were involved at various levels in subcommittees and supporting provincial work.

CSA Group – McNally Project members Dr. Alan Batt, Michel Ruest, JD Heffern, Paige Mason, William Johnston, Dugg Steary, Mary Osinga, Dr. Walter Tavares and Dr. Matthew Leyenaar are technical committee members in the standards development process.

Grants and funding

Lanos, C; Batt, AM. (2023) Organ and tissue donation after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Funded by ZOLL Foundation, $20,000.

Lunn, T; Cameron, C; Batt, AM. (2023) Community Paramedicine Needs Assessment Tool. Funded by Healthcare Excellence Canada, $50,000.

Tavares, W; Batt, AM. (Co-Is). Primary Care Competencies for Paramedics. Funded by Team Primary Care, $130,000.

Mausz, J. (Co-I). 2019. Unpacking the sociocultural characteristics of paramedic mental health. Funded by CIHR Catalyst grant, $100,000.

Batt, AM. (PI), Lanos, C. (Co-I). 2018. Cardiac arrests in the Gulf Region: a scoping review. Funded by ZOLL Foundation, $6,500.

Boechler, L. (PI). 2022. Connecting Communities: Sharing the potential of using virtual reality technology to support the mental health and wellness of Indigenous youth living in rural and remote. Funded by Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Truth and Action grant, $10,000.00.

Boechler, L. (PI). 2021. Assessing the mental health support needs for Indigenous adolescents residing in rural and remote Sask: A mixed methods study exploring the potential of virtual reality technology. Funded by College and Community Social Innovation Fund (CCSIF), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), $360,000.

Boechler, L. (PI). 2021. Assessing the mental health support needs for Indigenous adolescents residing in northern Saskatchewan: A community based participatory action research study exploring the potential use of virtual reality technology to promote mental health and wellbeing. Funded by Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Research Innovation funding, $50,000.00.

Boechler, L. (PI) 2021. Exploring the use of virtual reality technology to promote mental health and well-being of Indigenous adolescents and young adults in rural and remote Saskatchewan. Funded by Provost’s NSERC Research Fund, Saskatchewan Polytechnic, $8,000.00.

Boechler, L. (Co-I). 2020. The experience of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan: The knowledge translation plan. Funded by Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Research Connections COVID-19 Rapid Response funding, $10,000.00.

Boechler, L. (PI) 2020. Unifying for Health Equity: Revitalizing the Saskatchewan Health System through Patient Oriented Research. Funded by Saskatchewan Centre for Patient Oriented Research (SCPOR) POR Academies Competition, $3,000.00.

Knowledge translation

COVID-19 in Saskatchewan Video Series: The Lived Experience of Paramedics on the Frontline, 2020. Lindsey Boechler directed this short video series in partnership with active frontline practitioners to shares the experiences of paramedics on the frontlines at the onset of the Covid-19 outbreak. https://appliedinterprofessionalresearch.com/videos-and-podcasts/ Funded by Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Research Connections COVID-19 Rapid Response funding, $10,000.00.

COVID-19 in Saskatchewan Video Series: The Lived Experience of Police Officers on the Frontline, 2020. Lindsey Boechler directed this short video series in partnership with active frontline practitioners to shares the experiences of police officers on the frontlines at the onset of the Covid-19 outbreak. https://appliedinterprofessionalresearch.com/videos-and-podcasts/ Funded by Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Research Connections COVID-19 Rapid Response funding, $10,000.00.

COVID-19 Podcast Series: Policing in Uncertain Time, 2020. Lindsey Boechler directed this short podcast series, interviewing active police officers while relating her research findings to the experiences they shared.https://appliedinterprofessionalresearch.com/videos-and-podcasts/ Funded by Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Research Connections COVID-19 Rapid Response funding, $10,000.00.

COVID-19 Podcast Series: Paramedics on the Frontlines, 2020. Lindsey Boechler directed this short podcast series, interviewing active rural and urban paramedics while relating her research findings to the experiences they shared. https://appliedinterprofessionalresearch.com/videos-and-podcasts/ Funded by Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Research Connections COVID-19 Rapid Response funding, $10,000.00.

Unifying for health equity revitalizing the Sask health system through patient oriented research, 2020. Lindsey Boechler directed this short video outlining the importance and impact of engaging in patient oriented research. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=38&v=FYTxvz8W_0Q&feature=emb_logo Video placed first in the Saskatchewan Centre for Patient Oriented Research (SCPOR) POR Academies Competition.

Atypical Heart Documentary, 2018. McNally Project member Cristina D’Alessandro is the host and voice of this documentary which explores the deadly disparity between male and female heart disease. https://www.storyhive.com/project/show/id/3899. Funded by a Telus Storyhive grant, $50,000.

Completed Projects

PAC Paramedic Research Symposium. 2022. McNally Project members Lindsey Boechler, Cheryl Cameron, Jake Coady and David Wolff were involved in the organisation of this event, which included abstract presentations (oral and poster), and round-table research discussions that were facilitated by several McNally Project members.

Canadian EMS Research Network – McNally Project member Dr. Walter Tavares was Co-Chair, Dr. Matthew Leyenaar was Paramedic-at-large, and Jason Buick was member-at-large member on the Executive Committee. Dr. Alan Batt served on the Communications Committee.

Women of Paramedicine Leadership Summit. 2019. McNally Project members Cheryl Cameron, and Angeline Abela were involved in the organisation of this event, which featured hands on workshops and inspiring speakers including McNally Project member Paige Mason. This one-day event facilitated opportunities for networking and mentorship, as well as investigated the opportunity to create a community of practice to support paramedics and their leadership journey across all roles of paramedicine. In collaboration with the Paramedic Pay It Forward Award, funded by the ministry of Culture, Multiculturalism and the Status of Women, Alberta Government, $10,000.

Ontario Paramedic Association Paramedicine conference. 2019.  McNally Project members led by Dr. Walter Tavares, Director of Research for the OPA, partnered with the OPA to organise a research stream on Advancing Paramedicine Through Innovations in Education, which included invited speakers, abstract presentations (oral and poster), and panel discussions. McNally Project members Dr. Polly Ford-Jones, Dr. Justin Mausz, Mary Osinga and Dr. Alan Batt presented at the event.

PAC Paramedic Research Symposium. 2019. McNally Project members Dr. Becky Donelon, Cheryl Cameron and Dr. Alan Batt were involved in the organisation of this event, which included invited speaker Dr. Walter Tavares, abstract presentations (oral and poster), and round-table research discussions that were facilitated by several McNally Project members. Funded by the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement, $5,000; Great Big Solutions/Comptracker, $1,000. Read the book of abstracts here.

Irish College of Paramedics Practitioner and Responder Wellbeing Symposium. 2019. Organised by McNally Project member Dr. Alan Batt. Funded by the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council, $10,500

Fanshawe College Paramedic Programs Research Day. 2019. McNally Project member Dr. Alan Batt led the organisation and delivery of this event where William Johnston and Chelsea Lanos were invited speakers. Dr. Ian Drennan also supported the event with students from Georgian College who completed research projects. Funded by Fanshawe College Centre for Research and Innovation, $2,000.

Irish College of Paramedics Scientific Symposium. 2018. Organised by McNally Project member Dr. Alan Batt, featured Paige Mason and Cheryl Cameron as invited speakers. Funded by Critical Healthcare & Medilink Services, $3,500.

Batt, AM. (Co-I). 2018. Paramedic student accuracy at ECG interpretation. Funded by Fanshawe College Centre for Research and Innovation, $2,000.

Batt, AM. (PI), Johnston, CW. (Co-I). 2017. Anatomical model building project in paramedic education. Funded by Fanshawe College Centre for Research and Innovation, $1,280.

Batt, AM. (PI), Mason, P. (Co-I), Johnston, CW. (Co-I). 2017. Evidence based practice in paramedic education. Funded by Fanshawe College Centre for Research and Innovation and Fanshawe College School of Public Safety, $2,850.

Mason, P. (PI), Batt, AM. (Co-I). 2016. FOAMems: engaging paramedics with free, online open-access education. Funded by Fanshawe College Centre for Research and Innovation, $1,000.