The Australasian College of Paramedicine (the College) welcomes new partner the Paramedic Chiefs of Canada (PCC) and new associate the McNally Project for Paramedicine Research (McNally Project) to the international journal Paramedicine, to be launched next week. Formerly the Australasian
McNally Project Senior Fellow Cheryl Cameron awarded Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
McNally Project Senior Fellow Cheryl Cameron was awarded the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal at a virtual ceremony in January 2023. Cheryl was recognised for her services to palliative care in Canada. Cheryl is instrumental in enhancing palliative care access and
McNally Project Senior Fellow Lindsey Boechler awarded 2022 PAC Award of Excellence
McNally Project Senior Fellow Lindsey Boechler was awarded the 2022 Paramedic Association of Canada’s Award of Excellence for Research and Innovation for her work in health research in October of 2022. She is concurrently pursuing her PhD while serving as
McNally Project Scientist Dr. Alan Batt admitted as Member of the Academy of Medical Educators
McNally Project Scientist and Co-Chair Dr. Alan Batt has been admitted as a member of the Academy of Medical Educators in the UK. The Academy of Medical Educators (AoME) is the multiprofessional organisation for those involved in medical education. The
McNally Project member Jennifer Bolster wins Dalhousie EMS Top Research Award
McNally Project member Jen Bolster was awarded The Top EMS Research Award at the Annual Dalhousie EMS Research Day in October. This is awarded to the researcher whose research was acknowledged as being of high caliber and professional importance. Jen
New Scientist – Dr. Madison Brydges!
Welcome to our newest Scientist, Dr. Madison Brydges, who defended her PhD today, which focused on the professionalization of paramedics in Ontario. This is extremely important and timely work as paramedics navigate new interprofessional territories and expanding clinical and non-clinical
New ‘Paramedicine’ Journal launched
Manuscript submissions are now open for the Australasian College of Paramedicine’s new international peer-reviewed journal Paramedicine, which was officially launched today at the ACP International Conference 2022 in Brisbane, Australia, by Editor-in-Chief, Associate Professor Paul Simpson. Paramedicine, formally the Australasian
McNally Project at PACE2022
There was an excellent representation from the McNally Project at PACE2022, furthering conversations around #paramedic led research in Canada. A special thanks to Jake Coady, David Wolff, Cheryl Cameron and Lindsey Boechler for organising the Pre-Conference Research Day. A huge
New Scientist – Dr. Justin Mausz!
Welcome to our newest Scientist, Dr. Justin Mausz, who recently defended his PhD titled “A Role Identity Perspective on Paramedic Mental Health”. Justin has been an instrumental figure in the McNally Project since its earliest days, and we are proud
PACE 2022 Pre-Conference Research Day – call for abstracts
The organizing committee is now accepting poster presentations for consideration at the McNally Project’s Preconference Day, scheduled for September 8, 2022, in Saskatoon SK. Abstracts are due no later than July 10th, 2022, at 11:59 PM Please submit abstracts using