Save the date:  during the week of 12th April 2021, the College of Paramedics and the Australasian College of Paramedicine are hosting the first International Paramedic Education Conference. This is a virtual, online conference running through the week.  It will be a very inclusive event giving an opportunity for those involved in the education of paramedics at all levels to share their experiences, research, ideas and innovations to an international audience.  Each day will have a specific, education-based theme:

  1. The Use of Simulation in Education
  2. Approaches to Practice-based Learning
  3. Research in Paramedic Education
  4. Transition to Professional Practice
  5. Paramedic Education Policy
  6. Innovations in Teaching and Learning
  7. Assessment

The College of Paramedics invites both members and non-members to offer an abstract for presentation.  Whether you are a university lecturer, Practice Educator, training officer, student or anyone with an interest in paramedic education, your submission is welcome!

Call for Abstracts and Posters Now Open

Click here for the abstract submission form. 
Click here for guidance on submitting your abstract/poster. 

The closing date for submissions is the 31st January 2021. 

College Of Paramedics’ International Education Conference 2021